John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697    E:

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697

Staff and Volunteer Safeguarding

Essential Safeguarding information and policies for adults working in school. All adults working in school need to be aware of the information on this page and must read all the policies contained within. All adults have a duty of care towards the welfare of children and young people and are responsible for:

  • Child Protection – including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse / exploitation (including Female Genital Mutilation – FGM), emotional abuse or radicalisation.
  • Health and Safety
  • First Aid (first aiders are identified on site)
  • General Well-being
  • Confidentiality
  • Site Security

If you witness a disclosure of information which raises concerns regarding children’s welfare or safety you should: Report any such behaviours/incidents to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for child protection whilst seeking help from management or contact the police without delay if such behaviours are criminal or dangerous. If a child is at immediate risk of significant harm and you are unable to speak to the DSL or deputy DSL, you should refer directly to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council First Contact Team at the Redcar and Cleveland Multi Agency Children’s Hub by calling 01642 130700 or during out of hours periods 01642 524552. There email address is:  The LADO (Local Area Dedicated Officer) for Redcar and Cleveland can be contacted on 01642 130700 or by email on  Please note that in our school the DSL and deputy DSL are always available and on call to speak with you if there is a safeguarding concern you wish to discuss. Where a child discloses information you should:

  • Always take what a child says seriously.
  • Listen but do not investigate.
  • Encourage the child to speak to their parents or carers (if you believe this would not put the child in danger).
  • Report factually; recording the date and time and any concerns you may have. Record this on the CPOMS system as soon as possible. If you do not have access to CPOMS then use the school’s incident form available from the school office.
  • Speak to the designated nominated person (see below) and they will take responsibility to inform the relevant agencies without delay.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection in our school is: Mr. Martin Kitchen (Head Teacher) The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) for Child Protection in our school is: Mrs Jayne Hogg.  The Governor responsible for child protection in this school is: Mrs Lesley Webster (Chair of Governors)

If you have any concerns about the head teachers conduct in respect of child protection, or feel that any concerns you have raised are not being appropriately dealt with by the head teacher, then you have a duty to contact this person to pass on the information. The contact details of Mrs Lesley Webster  can be obtained from the school administration staff. If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of any child in this school, or children in the wider community, you have a duty to inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). It is your duty to read and make yourself aware of the following policies


Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 Part 1 –  All staff and volunteers to read.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 (Whole Document) – Safeguarding Leads to read in full.

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

Health and Safety Policy
Information Sharing Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners 2018
Protecting Children from Radicalisation: The Prevent duty
Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006/2018
Confidentiality Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Managing Allegations and Low Level Concerns Against Staff
Staff Codes of Conduct
E- Safety Policy
Educational Visits Policy
JEB Medicine in School Policy
Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Site Security and Visitors Policy
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Fire Induction Information
Use Reasonable Force in Schools 2013
Guidance for Safer Working Practices 2019
Best Practice Guidance for School Complaints Procedures for Academy Schools 2021
Children Missing Education 2016
EYFS Statutory Framework 2021

Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between Children in School 2021
Searching, Screening and Confiscation at School 2018
Sharing Nudes and Semi-Nudes Guidance for Education 2020
Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition Guidance for Practitioners 2017
Preventing and Tracking Bullying Advice for Headteachers: Staff  and Governing Bodies 2017
The Designated Teacher for Looked after and previously looked-after children statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities (Feb 2018)
Data Protection Tool Kit for Schools 2018
Guidance on Application Process for Criminal Record Checks Oversees 2021
DBS Filtering Rules Guidance 2020
Staffing and Employment Advice for Schools 2021
Governor Handbook 2020

This applies to anyone involved in recruiting or appointing any person to work in a paid or voluntary basis.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service-
We recognise our duty to react appropriately to incidents of Harmful Sexual Behaviour and as such will use the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service as necessary.

Signs of Safety Charter As a school we are committed to working as closely as possible with other agencies to ensure the safety of the children in our care. As a school we have signed up to the Signs of Safety Charter which is our pledge to work in a joined up collaborative way with other relevant agencies. Please see the charter and other supporting documents by clicking on the links below:
Signs of Safety Charter Signs of Safety – Guide for Partners Signs of Safety – Your Questions Answered