John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697    E:

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697



It is a core aim of our school to help each pupil to develop to their full potential. Each child is individual and within every school there will always be a number of pupils, who for different reasons, are identified as having special educational needs or disabilities. We aim to have a close consultation with parents, to discuss their child’s particular needs, and to join in partnership with any other agencies which may be involved in the children’s welfare. By working together we can offer the best possible provision for your child.

We have taken a number of steps to ensure that we recognise any child showing signs of a particular need and, if necessary, the child may be placed on the Register of Special Needs and Disabilities. School will endeavour to work closely with parents when a child’s special needs are identified. Progress is carefully monitored and recorded. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities co-ordinator (Mrs Hogg) will work in close consultation with the head teacher (Mr. Kitchen) and teachers and support staff in identifying and assessing and supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities throughout the school.

All children identified as having SEND are given individual plans as a result of extended consultation with parents during structured conversations held on a termly basis. There may be occasions when a child’s particular needs cannot be met from the resources available within the school. In such circumstances, and after review with the Local Authority, it may be decided to apply for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) to ensure the child receives the specific provision they require..

Please note our SEND Coordinator is: Mrs Jayne Hogg (Please contact her through the school office )

Please find below some helpful links:
DfE advice:

SEN magazine website:

Local Authority Support SEN Support Service:
You can view the Redacr and Cleveland SEN Service webiste information here:

In the download section you will find our Local Offer for children with SEND, our Policy and Accessibility Plan.

If you have any questions regarding provision for children with SEND, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can download further documentation from the table below.

SEND and Inclusion Policy – Including Information report Download
Accessibility Plan  Download