John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697    E:

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697


The highest priority is given to the learning of English skills, which we recognise permeate all aspects of the curriculum. Each morning all children in school undertake a focused, interactive phonic/word/sentence activity to build up their basic skills in this subject area. We firmly believe in the power of purposeful practice and ensure the children revise their previous learning in this area on a daily basis. This initial session is then followed by whole class teaching of reading/writing where teachers specifically model skills and/or promote discussion about focused learning points before giving the children opportunity to practice their skills independently of the teacher. Throughout the week the children experience guided reading and writing sessions closely supported by the teacher. Through the use of these guided session the teachers are able to influence the child’s learning at the point where they are attempting to apply the skills they have previously been taught.

The English curriculum is organised such that a clear progression for learning the basics is applied throughout the school. This includes a clear plan for when children will learn about different genre and also about basic phonic/word and sentence level skills.

We believe strongly in the value of daily, highly interactive, oral phonic session for the development of early reading and writing skills. We use Read Writing Inc. in FS and KS1 to deliver our phonics learning programme. We closely match the books the children are asked to read to their phonetic knowledge and skills, providing  decodable texts for the children to read in school and at home. To see our progression document for learning expectations using this scheme click HERE.

By encouraging a love for reading and writing composition, we aim to inspire the children to engage fully with the imperative life skills literacy brings.
Please see below the English curriculum plans and resources.

English Curriculum Download

Reading Policy Document

Writing Policy Document

Editing Progression Document

Reading Skills Progression Document

Spelling Shed – Word Level Learning Login