If you have any queries please call Ms Harwood on 01642 483697. She will be happy to help. If you would like paper copies of any of the information on this website, please contact Ms Harwood on the above telephone number.
A Small School with a Friendly Atmosphere
John Emmerson Batty is a Primary Academy School which is a member of the Galileo Multi-Academy Trust, Our school is for boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 11 years. We are a relatively small school with approximately 200 children on roll at any one time. This helps to maintain the family friendly atmosphere that parents, carers and visitors tell us we have. One comment by a parent which we feel sums up what many parents feel about the school was “John E. Batty is…..a nice small community school which has a village feel in a town environment.”
Focussing on Core Learning in a Happy Secure Environment
We pride ourselves on our traditional values, believing that children should be given a firm foundation in English, Mathematics, and Science. We know that if the children are confident in these areas they are better placed to benefit from all other aspects of the exciting curriculum offered at our school. At the heart of our ethos is the belief that every child deserves to enjoy success in their learning whilst also feeling happy and secure within their school environment.
Our Commitment to Pupils, Parents and Carers
We believe in treating our pupils as part of a large caring family, giving them the opportunity to grow and learn in a challenging, but safe environment. We believe that children learn best when the relationship between home and school is warm and positive. Confidence in school comes from knowing and understanding what we are trying to achieve together and feelings of belonging to, and being responsible for, school are actively fostered in our children.
We believe that if the child, parents and teacher work together, then a childs progress will be significantly improved. We try to keep parents and carers as involved as possible, not only with their childs education, but also in the workings of the whole school.
The School’s Place in the Community
John E. Batty has a long and successful tradition in supporting and being supported by the community. We have regular visits from parents and grandparents who themselves attended John E. Batty. This promotes a strong sense of belonging within the school itself.
We have strong links with the local churches, agencies and businesses. Representatives from local emergency services visit school on a regular basis to get to know the children, tell them about their work and encourage the children to become responsible citizens.
We hold regular fund raising events for both national and local charities as we feel that children should be aware of the broader communities of which they are also members.
Our expectations of children are always high. We expect them to work hard, enjoy school life, behave appropriately and to take responsibility within the school and beyond.
Equality of Opportunity
We hold at John E Batty that everyone has a right to equality of treatment and access to education irrespective of ethnicity, race, gender, disability, age or social disadvantages.
We are committed to the principles of equality through ensuring access to the whole curriculum for all pupils and ensuring that our approach does not disadvantage any of them. We recognise and value cultural and religious traditions among all our children.
Pastoral Care
At John E. Batty the class teachers are responsible for the pastoral care of their own class, as it is they who get to know the children in their care extremely well. If any parent has any worries or problems, however small, we would ask that they do not hesitate to contact school in order to discuss them with a member of staff. We will always find time to talk and listen to parents and carers.
Behaviour and Discipline
A high standard of behaviour is expected from all our children. John E. Batty is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. The values, standards and attitudes of the school community are made clear to the children by example and discussion so that they can be made their own.
Behaviour and Discipline Policies have been drawn up by children, staff, parents and governors and copies can be obtained from school.
Bullying will not be accepted in any form, whether mental, verbal or physical in nature.
Please download the schools Behaviour and Anti-bullying Policies from the ‘School Policies’ page.