John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697    E:

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697

The Team

At John E. Batty we have a committed team made up of teachers and a range of support staff. These include teaching assistants, administrative assistants, ICT technicians, midday supervisory assistants, cleaners, kitchen staff and a site supervisor. In addition, we have a range of visiting staff that can often be found working in school.

The current teachers on the schools Senior Team are:

  • Head Teacher:Mr. Martin Kitchen (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Deputy Head Teacher and KS2 Leader:Mrs Julie Norris (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Foundation and Key Stage 1 Leader:Mrs Jayne Hogg (SENDCo)

Please feel free to contact any of these members of staff or your child’s teacher at any time via the school contact details link above. A full current list of all school staff and their responsibilities can be obtained by members of the school community from the office.
Teaching Staff by Class/Role

Head Teacher (DSL) Mr Martin Kitchen
Deputy Head/DDSL Mrs Norris
LFS  MrsParsons
UFS (FS / KS1 Leader / SENDCo) Mrs Hogg
Year 1  Miss Fuller
Year 1  Mrs Eden
Year 2 Mrs Storey
Year 2 Mrs Cox
Year 3 Mrs Segrave
Year 3 Miss Lince
Year 4 Miss Peddie
Year 5  Miss Richards
Year 6 Miss Dunn

Support Staff by Role Class

School Business Manager Ms Harwood
Administration Mrs Sharpe
Site Supervisor Mr Maltby
LFS Mrs Barwick
UFS Mrs Phillips
Y1 Mrs Stapleton
Y2 Mrs Hailey
Y 3/4 Mrs Elliott
Y5/ 6 Mrs Cummings
Out of School Club Mrs Cubitt
Out of School Club  Mrs Hopper
SEND Support TA Mrs Westerman
SEND Support TA Mrs Boyd
SEND Support TA Mrs Fountain
ICT Support Mr Patterson
Specialist Music Teacher Miss Muckian
School Cook Mr Bell
Kitchen Assistant Mrs Rowland
Kitchen Assistant Kathryn Hutchinson
MDSA Mrs Moody
MDSA Mrs Parkin
MDSA Mrs Buckle
Cleaner Mrs Jones
Cleaner Mrs Davidson
Cleaner Mrs Beckett

We are keen to help you with any issue that may arise. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything you may need help with.