School Survey
The school carries out a comprehensive annual survey of the parents opinions of their childs experiences at John E. Batty. The latest survey indicated that:
- 100% of parents were satisfied overall with the service the school provides, with 84% being very satisfied.
- 100% of parents would recommend the school to another parent.
- 97% of parents thought the school was well led (3% said they didn’t know).
- 99% of parents agreed their child makes good progress at JEB.
- 100% of parents stated their child felt safe in school.
- 99% of parents stated their child was happy at JEB.
- 98% of parents agreed that John E. Batty makes sure its pupils are well behaved. (1% didn’t know and 1% disagreed).
- 100% of parents and carers agreed the school communicated effectively during the COVID pandemic.
- 96% of parents and carers agreed that the school provided appropriate learning activities during periods of home schooling (4% stated they did not know).
- 96% of parents and carers agreed that the quantity and range of work provided during periods of home learning was appropriate (4% didn’t know).
- 96% of parents and carers agreed that where their child could not attend school, the class teacher regularly supported them through video and telephone contact (4% did not know).
- 94% of parents and carers agreed that the school acted to keep their child physically and emotionally safe during periods of class-based and home learning (1% disagreed and 5% did not know).
Please see the link below to the survey results in their entirety.
Annual Survey Results (In Full)
Ofsted’s Survey
During our latest Ofsted inspection in September 2022 we were very pleased with the level of parental support we received. This is the official means by which Ofsted collect parents’ and carers’ views. We were particularly pleased that 100% of parents and carers would recommend the school to other people. Please find below a link to our Parent View results to-date. to other people.