John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697

The School Governors

John E. Batty, like all schools, has a group of dedicated people appointed or elected, who meet regularly to discuss and work for the well-being of the school. They have a great deal of influence in school management – particularly over long-term planning and developments. They work in partnership with the head, teachers and local authority, considering issues as wide-ranging as curriculum policy, the school premises, staff appointments and finances.

The school has two parent governors. Election for these positions takes place every four years. Should any parent wish to contact the Governors, they can do so by calling the school office to obtain contact details. A meeting of all governors is held at least once during each school term. In addition two further committees meet every term. These are:

  • Premises, Health, Safety, Finance and Staffing Committee
  • Raising Achievement Committee

Introducing the Governors

The Chair of our Governors is: Mrs Sue Fall. (Co-opted Governor)
The Vice Chair of Governors is: Mr Robert Stanway (Local Authority Governor)

Parent Governor: Mrs Glenda Faulkner
Parent Governor: Mrs Karen Frost
Staff Governor: Mrs Julie Norris
Co-opted Governor: Mrs Joanne Winspur
Co-opted Governor: Rev. Rachel Harrison
Co-opted Governor: Mrs Lesley Pritchard
Co-opted Governor: Miss Patricia Rutherford
Head Teacher: Mr Martin Kitchen

Further details can be viewed in the download section, along with the current committee structure and remits.

If you have any questions about the role of the governors, or would like to contact one of them, please do not hesitate to give us a call.