John Emmerson Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

John E Batty Primary School

T: 01642 483697

Adverse Weather Advice

It is always our aim to keep the school open in adverse weather conditions. On the rare occasions when you think there is a risk that school will be closed you can use the following methods to check:

  • Check our facebook or twitter account (If you are befriended or following us)
  • Check text messages or email – We will send text messages or emails to those people signed up for Parentmail.
  • Check on our website at   (If the school is to be closed there will be an alert at the top of the home page along with further information on the school blog which can be access from the same page) Or check on the Local Authority Website at
  • Check on local radio stations. These include:

BBC Radio Tees


Zetland FM

  • Checking on Local TV.
  • Telephone the school on 01642 483697 (After 8.00am)

Please appreciate that there may be rare occasions where there is little snow in the vicinity of the school, but conditions elsewhere in the local area may result in school staff not being able to attend. This said we will endeavour as much as possible to keep school open.

If snow falls, you should check the above. We will aim to post updates throughout the morning up to the start of school. During the period up to the start of school, the senior leaders will be assessing the likelihood of staff being available to run the school safely and the information may change. However if you are informed the school will be closed, this decision will not be then changed. You should assume that if there is no information about closure of the school, the school is open.

Details regarding getting in to school safely on snowy days can be found below.

Safety on School Premises

Clearly in very wintry weather there is an increased risk to everyone attending school. For this reason, at the start of the school day the doors will be opened early to allow the children to come straight in.

The site supervisors will make every effort to keep the main walkways on the playground clear and salted. Please could we ask that you and your children stick to these walkways during adverse weather conditions.

We fully appreciate the fun that can be had with snow and ice, but would ask that you do not allow your children to play on the ice or throw snowballs on or around the school site.

To download this advice for future reference please click HERE.